Case Study
Geographically Distributed Dedicated ServersALL IN THE LOOP

All In The Loop,, powers events for companies and organizations all around the world (Virgin Mobile, Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, and many more household names and even Fortune 500 businesses). The company provides a proprietary web-based and cross-platform mobile application utilized for event coordination, conferences, and trade shows as well as custom app development for businesses of all sizes. It connects event coordinators with attendees and exhibitors and simplifies the logistics of even the most complicated and massive events and trade shows. The cutting edge application has been built from the ground up and is quickly gaining global popularity.
All In The Loop is employing (H4Y) to host its infrastructure and provide an extremely high uptime environment. All In The Loop is currently utilizing H4Y's advanced hosting and geographically redundant dedicated servers with global content syncing and database replication.
All In The Loop requires specific infrastructure to meet the requirements and flexibility for their custom built application. Geographic redundancy and immunity to security threats, attacks, downtime of any sort, and instant scalability is a must. Even minutes of downtime during an event could mean a PR disaster and permanent damage to their reputation. Despite these high end requirements, the infrastructure problem needs to be solved within a limited budget. All In The Loop's world class developers often make sudden changes to accommodate customizations and requests. They need a hosting partner who can provide immediate and expert assistance and also coordinate with complicated development environments and highly technical new projects at any given moment.
Captain Malcolm Edwards, CEO of All In The Loop, said "Downtime is not an option for us. We provide our clients with a seamless and user friendly experience so speed and reliability can never be compromised."
Successful Results
H4Y worked closely with Malcolm and the staff at All In The Loop to come up with a bullet-proof solution. MariaDB replication and lsyncd is used to sync dynamic content from primary servers in H4Y's Iowa datacenter, an underground, military-built bunker design to resist nuclear blasts and all conceivable natural disasters to failover servers in H4Y's Oregon datacenter. The content is sycned nearly instantly and securely halfway across the country. The CloudLinux OS, Sucuri, Litespeed Webserver, cPanel/WHM, and CloudFlare were utilized and customized to provide the level of control that the developers require along with a foundation of security and caching for performance. Additional security hardening was provided at every step of the way as well as periodic consultations and brainstorming. Sensitive proprietary monitoring was established with H4Y's Network Operations Center so that proactive responses are nearly instant when any sign of trouble is evident. Redundant DNS is used to failover nearly instantly from Iowa to Oregon should a network or power issue occur at the primary location. Host4Yourself worked closely with the client to custom build dedicated servers that fit within the proposed budget while meeting all rigid requirements for security and performance at a FRACTION of the price of some competitors. Massive events with thousands of simultaneous users flood the servers with traffic regularly, and the infrastructure H4Y built for All In The Loop has not even skipped a beat!
"We are impressed by the attention to detail with the solution that Evan at H4Y came up with for us and how he managed to fit everything within our budget. The project has become a resounding success and I would recommend H4Y to anyone who needs advanced hosting of any sort!" - Captain Malcolm Edwards